
We caught a thief thanks to the motion detector of Ray@Home.

  • Where: Sangmu District, Gwangju, Jeolla Province, Korea
  • Type: At a coffee shop inside a multiplex theater (open type in all directions)
  • Product: Ray@Home Motion Detector

I am running a coffee shop within CGV in Sangmu District, Gwangju, Jeolla Province, Korea. Businesses such as a coffee shop, a hotdog shop, a game arcade and a shooting range are located here.

Out of them, the coffee shop is an open-type store, while the game arcade and the coin singing room are open for 24 hours (unmanned system).

The rest are general ones with doors that can be locked.

As the theater is open almost 24 hours (the movie starts at 08:00 and closes at 03:00), some delinquent teenagers seem to have gotten into the building to smoke and sleep.

I couldn’t review CCTV taken every day during the early morning and didn’t have any damages. Then, a theft case took place at the coin singing room (the coin-exchange machine was damaged and some money was stolen) at around 03:30 in the morning in April 24, 2019. And, I got to know that my coffee shop (Some finished goods were stolen.) was broken into when I traced back the CCTV.

So, I started to review the past CCTV and found out those teenagers often broke into the shop at nights. While looking for countermeasures, I got to know about the motion detector of Ray@Home and installed it in the coffee shop. The detector notified me of an intrusion at around 05:00 in April 29, 2019 through my mobile phone, and I called a police officer who took fingerprints and checked specific-time CCTV to confirm it was done by the same people.

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